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Waipuna aa rangi at Te Matatini

Waipuna aa rangi

Our tīma has been at Te Matatini all week, talking to whānau about what the Three Waters reforms mean for hapū and iwi across Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki Makaurau.

Our kaimahi say the week has been a huge success. All week we've been running a Marae upgrade giveaway for those who signed up to our mailing list!

There are so many marae that have been cut off from access and power after the past few weeks, so ngā whanau o Mangamuka were over the moon to receive our grand prize - a marae upgrade pack that includes a Starlink set-up, Water filtration system and power generator.

"He aroha tino nui tō te marae o Mangamuka ki a Waipuna-aa-rangi.

He taonga tino nui tēnei ki te marae me ngā whānau o Mangamuka.

E taimaha ana te whānau i tēnei wā i ngā whiu a Kapiriere.

Nō reira he mihi tino nui ki a Waipuna-aa-rangi mōna i whakawhiwhi mai i tēnei taonga."

Whai wāhi atu ki ā mātau pānui

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